Garlic Dill Pickles

Garlic Dill Pickles: A Tangy, Crunchy Delight

Garlic Dill Pickles are a classic addition to any pantry, offering a perfect balance of tanginess and crunch. This recipe will guide you through making your own batch of delicious pickles that are great as a snack, a condiment, or a side dish.

Why Make Garlic Dill Pickles at Home?

  1. Freshness: Homemade pickles use fresh cucumbers and garlic, resulting in a crisper, more flavorful pickle.
  2. Customization: Adjust the flavors to your liking by adding more garlic, dill, or spice.
  3. No Preservatives: Control the ingredients and avoid preservatives commonly found in store-bought pickles.

Recipe: Garlic Dill Pickles


  • 4 cups water
  • 2 cups white vinegar
  • 1/4 cup pickling salt
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 2 pounds cucumbers, sliced into spears or rounds
  • 8 cloves garlic, peeled and halved
  • 2 tablespoons dill seeds or 4 fresh dill heads
  • 1 teaspoon mustard seeds (optional)
  • 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)

Carrot Cake Jam

Carrot Cake Jam

### Four-Ingredient Gut-Friendly Strawberry Gummies These homemade strawberry gummies are not only delicious but also beneficial for your gut health. Made with just four ingredients, they are easy to prepare and make a great healthy snack. #### Ingredients: - 1 cup fresh strawberries, hulled and chopped - 1/4 cup honey (or maple syrup for a vegan option) - 1/4 cup water - 3 tablespoons gelatin powder (grass-fed if possible) #### Instructions: 1. **Prepare the Strawberries**: - Place the chopped strawberries in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. You should have about 3/4 cup of strawberry puree. 2. **Heat the Liquid Mixture**: - In a small saucepan, combine the honey (or maple syrup) and water. - Heat over low-medium heat, stirring until the sweetener dissolves completely. Do not let it boil. 3. **Mix Gelatin**: - Sprinkle the gelatin powder over the warm liquid mixture. - Whisk continuously until the gelatin is completely dissolved and no lumps remain. 4. **Combine Ingredients**: - Pour the strawberry puree into the saucepan with the gelatin mixture. - Whisk until well combined and smooth. 5. **Set the Gummies**: - Pour the strawberry mixture into silicone molds or a shallow dish lined with parchment paper. - Smooth the top with a spatula. 6. **Chill**: - Place the molds or dish in the refrigerator and let the gummies set for at least 2 hours, or until firm. 7. **Serve**: - Once set, remove the gummies from the molds or cut them into squares if using a dish. - Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. #### Notes: - You can adjust the sweetness by varying the amount of honey or maple syrup used. - For extra flavor, you can add a squeeze of lemon juice to the strawberry puree. - These gummies are rich in gut-friendly gelatin, which supports digestive health. Enjoy your homemade gut-friendly strawberry gummies!

Four-Ingredient Gut-Friendly Strawberry Gummies