Peony Jelly: A Delightfully Floral Spread

Peony jelly is a unique and elegant way to capture the delicate floral notes of peony petals in a delicious spread. This jelly not only looks beautiful with its lovely pink hue but also offers a subtly sweet and floral flavor that can enhance your breakfast table or afternoon tea. Making peony jelly is a straightforward process that allows you to enjoy the essence of peonies year-round.

Benefits of Peony Jelly

  1. Unique Flavor: A delightful and unusual jelly that stands out with its floral taste.
  2. Aesthetic Appeal: Beautiful pink color adds a touch of elegance to any table setting.
  3. Preserving Nature: Capture the essence of seasonal blooms for enjoyment throughout the year.

Recipe: Peony Jelly


  • 4 cups peony petals (lightly packed)
  • 4 cups boiling water
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1 package (1.75 oz) powdered pectin
  • 4 cups sugar

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